Understanding the Product Operating Model


A lot of what I coach is principles-based and best practice. It’s far from secret: most of the leading tech companies adopt the same approach.

There are a few terms you’ll hear me say again and again, like Product Operating Model and High Integrity Commitments - I didn’t make these up all by myself!

I’ve put together this page to more easily share a couple of resources that will help you understand more about these principles.

Inspired (Marty Cagan)

I view this as one of the foundational texts for product management. You’ll have seen many of the techniques before and may even have used a lot of them. But the book brings them all together in a single, easy to read piece.

👉 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1119387507

Product Therapy

Marty and his team at SVPG have also recently started a podcast aimed at product coaches and product managers. It’s an easy listen, with a lot of overlap with the Transformed book (below).

👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/product-therapy/id1738373011

Transformed (Marty Cagan)

A lot of the methodology I use for coaching teams who are moving over to the Product Operating Model is covered in Transformed.

It goes far beyond the basic skills needed for building product, and is more targeted to senior management. But you can read this if you want to have a better understanding of what I’m trying to achieve when coaching and advising.

  1. I suggest listening to this podcast overview first, as it gives a good grounding:
    1. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uphJVVDlfE
    2. Listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/transformed-moving-to-the-product-operating-model/id1601041050?i=1000648080834
  2. Then get the book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1119697336